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WITH US Education Partners

Students, parents, educators, practitioners, universities, fraternities and sororities, and other student supporting organizations that are WITH US in our mission to promote positive bystander behaviors.

WITH US Prevention Partners

Leaders in public health, violence and substance misuse, bystander intervention, and community activism that collaborate alongside WITH US to develop and share research, resources, and education.

The National Network for Peer Accountability

Prevention Partners

Hazing Prevention
The mission of the AHA! Movement is to end the senseless and tragic cycle of deaths from hazing by reaching out, empowering and educating our young people.
Substance Abuse and Hazing Prevention
The Gordie Center is dedicated to honoring Gordie’s memory by creating and distributing programs to reduce hazardous drinking and promote peer intervention among young adults.
Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery
The mission of HECAOD is to promote student success by providing data-driven solutions to alcohol and drug misuse and lead the dialogue on collegiate alcohol and drug misuse and recovery.
Policy and Legislation Advocacy
The Medical Amnesty Initiative tracks and lobbies for Medical Amnesty legislation to remove barriers for individuals to seek medical attention without the worry of getting in trouble.
Drunk Driving Prevention
College is RADD® is a California College DUI Awareness Project by RADD®, the Entertainment Industry’s voice for Road Safety.
Intimate Partner Violence Prevention
One Love is the national leader in educating young people about healthy and unhealthy relationships and galvanizing them as leaders of change.
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention
NO MORE is dedicated to ending domestic violence and sexual assault by increasing awareness, inspiring action and fueling culture change.
Prevention and Promotion Products
PSA creates promotional products to meet your awareness and prevention education needs ranging from Sexual Assault, Substance Abuse, Domestic Violence, Suicide, Bullying, Sexual Harassment, Alcohol Abuse, and Safety.
Hazing Prevention and College Student Health & Safety
NovakTalks provides consulting and advocacy for Campus Safety, Hazing Prevention, Student Risk Management and Student Organization Development.
Multi-Issue Bystander Intervention
BeVocal is a multi-issue bystander intervention initiative at the University of Texas at Austin. BeVocal is designed to address multiple types of harm and enhance an individual's confidence to intervene and seeks to promote intervention as the norm, and in turn change campus culture.
Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention
Movember works to address some of the biggest health issues faced by men including mental health promotion and suicide prevention.
Good Samaritan Advocacy
The McCrae James Williams Foundation advocates for Good Samaritan policies and ensures athletes receive the protection. The Foundation is also focused on bringing national attention to the dangerous practice of “Jansporting” (also known as Backpacking, DrunkPacking or Turtling).
Campus Safety and Healthy Relationships
College Moxie's mission is to EDUCATE collegiate women about risks associated with Campus Culture and EQUIP them to stand strong and create positive change. We address the importance of authentic community, pressures of social media, alcohol and drug use, respect and boundaries, sexual assault, hook-up culture and more.
Sexual Violence Prevention
The mission of 1in6 is to help men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences live healthier, happier lives. Our mission also includes serving family members, friends, partners, and service providers by providing information and support resources on the web and in the community.
Gender-based Violence Prevention
Sex.E provides sexual health and gender-based violence education through live sketch comedy shows and online content.
Bullying Prevention
The Tyler Clementi Foundation’s mission is to end online and offline bullying in schools, workplaces, and faith communities. The Foundation was founded by the Clementi family to prevent bullying through inclusion and the assertion of dignity and acceptance.
Hazing Prevention
More than 200 university students have died due to hazing in the United States since 1838. Hazing on college campuses must end. The Max Gruver Foundation exists to make sure hazing-related deaths do not continue.
Alcohol Overdose Prevention
Don’t Stall, Just Call is an alcohol poisoning education program for university, college & high school students and their families. Don’t Stall, Just Call believes education is the best way to prevent senseless alcohol related deaths.
Hate & Bias Prevention
ADL is local, national and global. Their work encompasses schools to government agencies, small communities to the State of Israel, anti-terrorist to cyberhate task forces, local government to the halls of Congress.
Hazing Prevention
HazingPrevention.Org™ is a national organization dedicated to empowering people to prevent hazing, by providing education and resources, advocating on hazing prevention, and building partnerships with others.
Sexual Violence Prevention
Dimensions Learning is a comprehensive, innovative sexual assault and sexual education program for college and university students.
Sexual Violence Prevention
The SAFE Bar Network’s goal is to help bars, restaurants, and nightclubs create a workplace culture where employees notice concerning behavior, interrupt effectively and offer support to victims of sexual harassment and assault.
Hazing Prevention
NMB Foundation actively seeks to educate others about the ongoing hazing epidemic and addresses all the characteristics of hazing in social and organized groups. The program not only enlightens people on the dangers and behaviors of hazing, it gives individuals guidance to recognize and leave a difficult situation.
Multi-Issue Bystander Intervention
Hollback!'s mission is to end harassment in all its forms by transforming cultures that perpetuate hate and harassment. They carry out their mission by building the power of everyday people to create safe and welcoming environments for all.
Hazing Prevention
StopHazing's mission is to promote safe school, campus and organizational climates through research, information sharing and the development of data-driven strategies for hazing prevention.
Multi-Issue Bystander and Hazing Prevention
The Timothy J. Piazza Center for Fraternity and Sorority Research and Reform is an interdisciplinary research center dedicated to creating sound professional practice in fraternity and sorority advising. Our vision is to create healthier, life-changing, and life-saving fraternities and sororities through research-informed practice.
Mental Health
Active Minds is the nation's premier nonprofit organization supporting mental health awareness and education for students.
Substance Misuse Prevention & Recovery
Description: Shatterproof is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to reversing the addiction crisis and ending stigma around addition in the United States.
Hazing Prevention and Medical Amnesty
The Would You? campaign ties together efforts to educate and empower all members of a campus about taking care of each other – including anti-hazing efforts, the medical amnesty policy, safety programs and wellness programming.

Education Partners

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